C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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The regeneration process is controlled by the engine ECU. The engine ECU monitors emissions
parameters such as soot level and ash level. When the engine ECU determines that a regeneration
is necessary, it initiates the regeneration process which requires the engine to operate at a
designated speed for a designated period of time as determined by the engine ECU. The engine
ECU communicates the need for a regeneration via the regeneration lamp on the panel.
When the engine ECU initiates a regeneration, the yellow DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) lamp will
illuminate with the display message shown above.
For Deere engines, the operator can press the ENTER button (for Yes) to allow the regeneration to
initiate or the MENU button (for No) to delay the regeneration process to a later time. Answering
“No” only delays the regeneration process. The regeneration lamp stays illuminated and regen
request prompts continue as long as the engine ECU determines a regeneration is required
Over time, the engine ECU increases the level of severity through both lamp indications and display
At the lowest level, the DFP lamp illuminates. As the levels increase, the DFP lamp begins to blink.
As the levels continue to increase the yellow alarm lamp illuminates. At the most severe level, the
DPF lamp blinks and the red engine alarm lamp illuminates.
DPF Lamp
DPF Lamp