C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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The panel has the ability to monitor the engine battery system and take action if a low condition
arises. The following settings are selectable and are accessed in the Auto Start Configuration
When the battery system monitor is enabled and the panel in Auto Start operation, battery voltage is
monitored. If
voltage drops below the “Recharge @” level for the “Recharge Delay” time, the engine
is started and runs according to the automatic throttle settings. The engine runs
for the “Recharge
Run for” time period and then shuts down. Another low battery condition is triggered after the “Next
Recharge in” period.
Parameter Default
Recharge Monitor
Recharge @
11.9 VDC
Recharge Delay
60 Sec
Recharge Run for
15 Min
Next Recharge in
45 Min
Vbattery Trim
0.5 VDC