The BB2-7010-02 can act as an SNMP agent or server. You select which BACnet objects are to show up in
the MIB, and the MIB is created dynamically as you fill out the list of objects. Once the MIB is created, any
standard v1 or v2 SNMP manager can access the data. Integer data is most universally recognized by
SNMP. Floating point support is available in the BB2-7010; however, floating point is not standardized and
you should test compatibility.
IMPORTANT: The definition of Input versus Output object is from the perspective of the BACnet network.
Therefore your SNMP client should Write to Input objects to provide input to BACnet, and Read from
Output objects to receive output from BACnet. Attempting to write a BACnet Output object from SNMP will
not work properly. You must think of your SNMP manager as the physical I/O being accessed from BACnet.
If you want to make your SNMP manager write to an Output object on another BACnet device, use the
BACnet client mapping to translate a local Input to remote Output on the BACnet side.
10. Using the BB2-7010-02 as an SNMP Server (Agent)
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