Gsm Advanced Manual - 15
5.1.7 Eight Row
Information about remote free call (CLIP) control mode and status:
mode status
remote free call mode
remote free call mode disabled
remote free call mode enabled
5.1.8 Ninth Row
This optional information is displayed only when the unit is powered by internal backup battery
and main power supply is missing.
Only authorized users can issue commands to the unit, both free calls and SMS.
6.1 Add Permanent users
Usually up to 250 users can be stored into modern SIM card.
It’s easy to add, edit or remove SIM card entries using any cellular phone or SIM card
reader/writer or by means of GsmSuite programming software.
Any supervisor can also add users issuing an SMS:
6.1.1 INDEX
The position assigned inside SIM card phonebook, starting from index 1 up to max allowable
position of SIM card phonebook.
Omitting index, the user will be stored at first available position.
6.1.2 TEL
The telephone number that will be recognized. Number should be stored in international format
(including Country code). Up to 20 characters available.
6.1.3 NAME
The name of the user associated with the telephone number. Up to 14 characters available.
6.1.4 Example
+0,001,+4412345678,Draco Malfoy
Add Draco Malfoy to SIM Phonebook position 1
+0,,+4412345678,Draco Malfoy
Add Draco Malfoy to first available index in SIM Phonebook
6.1.5 Confirmation
Once Phonebook edit has been successfully done, device will send back an SMS specifying
assigned index, name and 1 marker to specify the phone number field defined (
) or undefinded
1,Draco Malfoy,*
,Draco Malfoy,*
no index when stored at first available position