Below there is an example of how to configure the keyboard settings:
5.8.1 Making calls
If you activate the option to use the keyboard for calling, the IPefono WMT can work in two
different ways:
You can directly dial
configured a SIP proxy (see section
number dialled is sent to the proxy so that it can determine the destination.
If you are using a
on a VoIP telephone, when using a point
following SIP address:
sip://<number dialled>@<subnet address>.<number dialled>
So, for example, if your IP address is, the mask is and you
dial the number 123, the intercom will call the SIP URL
When you dial with the keyboard, the IPefono will determine that dialling has finished
because the interval set between each digit has been reached or because the key that has
been set for that purpose has been pressed (# by default).
5.8.2 Activating outputs
If you enable the option “
Use keyboard to activate relays
outputs by using the keyboard to dial the code that has been set in the “
user type this code
” settings on the output configuration screen
5.8.3 Playing messages
In settings you can enter the name of an audio file so that, when the set key is pressed, the
intercom will play the saved audio file over the speaker.
IPefono's internal storage unit.
Use keyboard to call
Use keyboard to activate relays
Beep the speaker when the key is pressed
Key to cancel the current call
Key to cancel the current call
Timeout to call to the current dial in seconds
SIP destination when the 'A' key is pressed
SIP destination when the 'B' key is pressed
SIP destination when the 'C' key is pressed
SIP destination when the 'D' key is pressed
Play a message when the '‘0’' key is pressed
. . .
Play a message when the 'D' key is
Configuration Guide
Below there is an example of how to configure the keyboard settings:
If you activate the option to use the keyboard for calling, the IPefono WMT can work in two
You can directly dial the extension number that you want to reach.
SIP proxy (see section
5.6.1 SIP protocol. VoIP connections
number dialled is sent to the proxy so that it can determine the destination.
If you are using a PBX (you have not configured a SIP proxy), it will be like diallin
on a VoIP telephone, when using a point-to-point scenario the IPefono will call the
following SIP address:
sip://<number dialled>@<subnet address>.<number dialled>
So, for example, if your IP address is, the mask is and you
dial the number 123, the intercom will call the SIP URL
sip://[email protected]
When you dial with the keyboard, the IPefono will determine that dialling has finished
between each digit has been reached or because the key that has
for that purpose has been pressed (# by default).
Use keyboard to activate relays
”, you can activate the
outputs by using the keyboard to dial the code that has been set in the “
Activate when the
” settings on the output configuration screen (see
Figure 31
Playing messages
In settings you can enter the name of an audio file so that, when the set key is pressed, the
intercom will play the saved audio file over the speaker. These files should be stored in the
al storage unit.
Use keyboard to activate relays
Beep the speaker when the key is pressed
Key to cancel the current call
Key to cancel the current call
Timeout to call to the current dial in seconds
SIP destination when the 'A' key is pressed
when the 'B' key is pressed
SIP destination when the 'C' key is pressed
SIP destination when the 'D' key is pressed
Play a message when the '‘0’' key is pressed
Play a message when the 'D' key is pressed
5 – Configuration
Configuration Guide. IPefono. V2.8
If you activate the option to use the keyboard for calling, the IPefono WMT can work in two
the extension number that you want to reach. If you have
VoIP connections
), the
number dialled is sent to the proxy so that it can determine the destination.
SIP proxy), it will be like dialling
point scenario the IPefono will call the
So, for example, if your IP address is, the mask is and you
sip://[email protected]
When you dial with the keyboard, the IPefono will determine that dialling has finished either
between each digit has been reached or because the key that has
, you can activate the intercom's
Activate when the
In settings you can enter the name of an audio file so that, when the set key is pressed, the
These files should be stored in the