For the speaker it is a “half-duplex” mode, because he/she will not hear anything while he/she
speaks. For the intercom, the communication
You need to change two settings in this mode.
microphone input off”
emitted by the speaker and will
should test the values, from lowest to highest (2000 to 8000).
The second parameter, “Echo canceller filter factor” (
continue to cut off the microphone signal after determin
emitted. This setting is designed to prevent “mini
sentence, but it should also be sufficiently low to switch to normal mode when he/she has
finished speaking. Setting it to 8 norma No echo cancellation
Echo canceller algorithm in a regular communication
Higher output level to cut the microphone input off
Echo canceller filter factor
Echo canceller attenuation for the
. . .
RTP packet length
When you only work on a local network, you can dispense with echo cancellation because it is
not considered to be a problem when the time that elapses between you speaking and hearing
yourself is less than 100 milliseconds.
the packets should be as small as possible, because that is where the d
also check the configuration of the VoIP telephones in your facility and minimise the
configuration settings where “jitter
terminals as well.
Configuration Guide
duplex” mode, because he/she will not hear anything while he/she
speaks. For the intercom, the communication will be "full-duplex".
You need to change two settings in this mode. The first,
“Higher output level to cut the
) indicates the level from which the IPefono interprets
and will subsequently mute the microphone signal.
should test the values, from lowest to highest (2000 to 8000).
The second parameter, “Echo canceller filter factor” (
), indicates how long the intercom will
continue to cut off the microphone signal after determining that a voice is no longer being
This setting is designed to prevent “mini-outages” while the speaker is saying a
sentence, but it should also be sufficiently low to switch to normal mode when he/she has
Setting it to 8 normally has good results.
No echo cancellation
Echo canceller algorithm in a regular communication
Higher output level to cut the microphone input off
(not used)
(not used)
Echo canceller attenuation for the attenuate scheme
(not used)
20 ms
When you only work on a local network, you can dispense with echo cancellation because it is
considered to be a problem when the time that elapses between you speaking and hearing
yourself is less than 100 milliseconds. Therefore, you only have to bear in mind that the size of
the packets should be as small as possible, because that is where the delay occurs.
also check the configuration of the VoIP telephones in your facility and minimise the
configuration settings where “jitter-buffer” is specified, to minimise the delay introduced by these
5 – Configuration
Configuration Guide. IPefono. V2.8
duplex” mode, because he/she will not hear anything while he/she
“Higher output level to cut the
) indicates the level from which the IPefono interprets that is being
the microphone signal. As before, you
), indicates how long the intercom will
ing that a voice is no longer being
outages” while the speaker is saying a
sentence, but it should also be sufficiently low to switch to normal mode when he/she has
When you only work on a local network, you can dispense with echo cancellation because it is
considered to be a problem when the time that elapses between you speaking and hearing
Therefore, you only have to bear in mind that the size of
elay occurs. You should
also check the configuration of the VoIP telephones in your facility and minimise the
buffer” is specified, to minimise the delay introduced by these