CDD6: user manual – rev.07
Page 46/74
Reversing management in closing direction
P-00: reversing events management
Parameter value
00 = internal
default value
The door drive, once received the activation of a reversing source, external or internal
(closing force limiter), reopens automatically the door activating the RVS output,
without waiting for any command from the MLC.
01 = external when
The door drive, once received the activation of a reversing source, external or internal
(closing force limiter), reduce speed immediately, activates the RVS output and waits
for a command from MLC.
NOTE: if values 01 is set, the controller waits always for a DOC command from the MLC to reopen.
P-34: RVS output activation type
This parameter regulates the RVS output duration, as reported in the following table:
Parameter value
00 = active until DOC
command activated
default value
The door drive, once the external reversing source is active or the closing force limiter is
active, activates the RVS output that remains active until MLC will activate its DOC
01 = active until
reopening completed
The door drive, once the external reversing source is active or the closing force limiter is
active, activates the RVS output that remains active until the reopening movement is
completed, that means when DOS signal is active.
02 = active for a fixed
time defined by P-81
The door drive, once the external reversing source is active or the closing force limiter is
active, activates the RVS output for a fixed time defined by parameter P-81 (by default
set to 0.5s).
NOTE: if P-00 is set to 01, P-34 may be set to 00 or 02 values
P-D9: Closing force limit value Auto-tuning
This parameter permits to enable/disable the auto-tuning function of the closing force limit:
Parameter value
00 = disabled
The closing force limit auto-tuning function is not active, and the set value for the
closing force limit (see next page) remains unchanged.
01 = enabled
default value
The auto-tuning function is active:
Every time that the closing force limiter detects an obstacle, a reversing event
is generated. The closing force limiter
automatically increments the closing
force limit by 6N
, until the maximum value FMAX (P-DC)
Every time that a closing movement is completed without obstacle, the closing
force limiter
automatically decreases the closing force limit by 0.1N,
until the
minimum value FMIN (P-DB)
This management permits to adapt the system reaction to the change of frictions.
IMPORTANT: when this function is enabled it is very important to define the FMIN
limit to avoid false reversing and assure that reversing happens according active