Compu Pool E-Series Manual
Chlorine Stabilizer (Cyanuric Acid).
Chlorine Stabilizer is needed to maintain
proper levels of chlorine. Unstable
chlorine can be destroyed by the sun’s UV
radiation within two hours. Chlorine stabilizer must be maintained between 30
– 60
Nitrates and Phosphates.
These chemicals can cause extremely high chlorine
demands and will deplete chlorine from the pool. In some cases, they may even
lower the chlorine levels to zero. A pool professional can test for Nitrates and
Metals can cause loss of chlorine. Also, metals can stain the pool and tint
the water. A pool professional can check for metals and recommend methods of
Chloramines should not be present in pool water. When organic
materials are not fully oxidized by Free Chlorine, Chloramines are formed. This ties
up the Free Chlorine in the pool, and does not allow the chlorine in the pool to
disinfect. Chloramines also cloud pool water and burn the eyes. Shock the pool
with chlorine to remove Chloramines at the initial startup of the pool.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).
Adding salt to pool water will raise the TDS level.
While this does not adversely affect the pool water chemistry or clarity, the pool
water professional testing for TDS must be made aware that salt has been added
for a chlorinator system. The individual performing the TDS test will then subtract
the salinity level to arrive at the correct TDS level.
Water Chemistry Helpful Hints
Proper operation of the chlorine generator can be easily verified by inspecting the
Electrolytic Cell. The chlorine being produced will appear as a fog along the plates.
However, if the pool remains cloudy, or the chlorine residual tests low, then the
chlorine being produced is being lost due to high chlorine demand or improper
water conditions. To reduce the chlorine demand, check the pH and Stabilizer
(Cyanuric Acid) reading. If tests show correct, then a shock treatment with an
oxidizer agent is advised.
Recommended List
Read and keep the manual in a safe place.
Increase chlorine production when temperature goes up.
Increase chlorine production when number of pool users goes up.
Use Stabilizer (Cyanuric Acid) to protect free chlorine in the pool.
Decrease chlorine production when temperature goes down.