+7 (800) 777-83-75(звонок бесплатный)
Functional description (see Fig. 2.3)
Air flow:
Air drawn through Air filter (4) and open Intake valve (5) into compressor Air-end (3) is compressed.
Compressed air and oil flow into Air-Oil separation tank (6). The air is discharged via Min. Pressure
valve (11) through Heat-exchanger (13) towards the Air Outlet Valve (20).
Oil flow:
Air pressure forces oil from the air-oil separation tank (6) through the heat-exchanger (14) and
the oil filter (16) to the compressor air-end (3) and the lubrication points. In the air-oil separation
tank (6), most of the oil is removed centrifugally; the rest is removed by the air-oil separator (8).
The oil system is fitted with a thermostatic valve (15). When the oil temperature is below the
set-point of the thermostatic valve, the thermostatic valve shuts off the oil supply from oil heat-ex-
changer (14). The thermostatic valve starts opening the supply from heat- exchanger (14) when
the oil temperature exceeds the valve’s setting. The setting of the thermostatic valve depends
the model. See table Technical Data.
Cooling system:
The cooling system comprises a combined air section (13) and an oil section (14) heat- exchanger.
A cooling fan, equipped with a separate electric motor, generates the cooling air in order to cool
the heat-exchanger.
Control system
Fig. 2.5 Control system