Controller User Guide
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“Ready” Screen
After a period of inactivity, the display screen will turn off.
The imVision Controller LED will light up when attention
is required, such as pending Jobs, Alarms or Confirmations. Tap to activate the display and touch the colored
circles next to Confirm, Jobs, or Alarms.
Ordering Panels in the imVision System
Order the panels in the imVision System during initial start-up.
Order the panels sequentially from top to bottom. To enter the panel order, simply press any port number in each
row on the uppermost panel in the rack. Then press any port number on each row in the second panel in the rack,
and any port number in each row on the third panel in the rack and so on. Press each button to hear a tone
confirming its inclusion in the order, until all the panels in the rack are numbered. At that point, the tone will change
and the imVision System will enter the Ready state with the Home screen appearing on the interface.
If the rack includes a high-density fiber shelf or shelves, you must also order the modules by pressing a
button on each module of the shelf in order. These modules are ordered from left to right.
To re-order the panels at any time after the initial startup, select
Reset Panels
from the Tools menu, which
will re-initialize the rack. Once this initialization is complete, you will be prompted to order the panels. Proceed
with panel ordering as instructed above. Also, if you add or remove panels from an existing rack, the system will
prompt you to re-order the panels. Proceed with panel ordering as instructed above.
imVision Controller with Touchscreen Display