4. Cabling
GE 800
Network requirements
IP addresses and ports
After initiating the server ID, the Intercom Server gets automatically an IP address.
The communication between the Intercom Server and the IP Intercom stations requires the standard
UDP port “16400” (configuration via firewall or router, only one port for audio and signalling data).
The communication between the Intercom Server GE 800 and the configuration software CCT 800
requires the standard TCP port “17000” (configurable).
The communication between the ICX interface from Intercom Server (G8-GEP) and the used tool
(e.g. ComWIN) requires the standard TCP port “18000” (configurable).
QoS requirements
One-way delay max. 100 ms
Delay Jitter max. 50 ms
0 % packet loss for perfect audio quality
40 MBit/s equals 270 conversations between two segments when no other load is on the network.
Multiple GE 800 within a network
NOTES: Information to the bandwidth
One conversation with a 16 kHz bandwidth requires a throughput of 146 kBit/s.
A network with a capacity load of 100 MBit/s has an advisable load of 40 MBit/s. Therefore, 40 MBit/s
can be transmitted in the network. This bandwidth minus the bandwidth already used in the network
is available for the Intercom system.
Always plan enough reserves in the bandwidth.
For detailed information about the bandwidth, see guideline “IoIP Technology”.
ATTENTION: Network load
The connection of GE 800 Intercom Servers creates a load on the IP network with the speech and
connection data! These must be regarded when planning the system together with the network