Modification of device adjustment
Device adjustment is performed by means of the optional SP003
communication cable, connected to USB port of the PC. It is necessary to
have installed configuration program Tsensor on the PC (program is free to
download at
). During installation please take care
about installation of driver for USB communication cable.
unscrew four screws of the device lid and remove the lid. If device is
already installed to measuring system, disconnect wires from terminals
connect SP003 communication cable to the
PC. Installed USB driver detect connected
cable and create virtual COM port inside the
run installed Tsensor program and continue
in accordance with his instructions
when new setting is saved and finished,
disconnect the cable from the device, connect wires into its terminals and
place the lid back to the device
Modification of adjustment of the T3110Ex transmitter using a cable
SP003 is permitted only in non-hazardous area.