Introducing Impact Call
1.1 Using This Guide
This user’s guide contains two sections.
Section 1, Introducing Impact Call, familiarizes you with the software’s basic features and startup requirements.
Section 2, Using Impact Call, provides basic call-handling details and discusses special-purpose features.
1.2 Describing Impact Call
Impact Call is software that runs on a personal computer and works in conjunction with a digital communications
system. The Impact Call software speeds call handling by providing the desktop PC with call control features.
Among the features that Impact Call makes available to you are:
real-time status updates of telephone activity,
wireless pagers,
access to system-wide features such as Park Orbits,
full keyboard and mouse interfaces (the program uses a special keyboard for Impact Call functions but does
not conflict with Windows® keyboard commands),
printed reports,
database access on incoming and outgoing calls.
NOTE: Anytime you are operating Impact Call, you can press F1 to open the on-line help file. If you press F1
while you have a dialog box open, the help file for that particular dialog box appears.
Introducing Impact Call 1 – 1
Impact Call User’s Guide