Front Ed2e Connector Inputs And Outputs
Synchro-Analog Outputs
Each channel has three synchro-analog outputs that represent the programmed angular value
in synchro format.
AC Reference Inputs
Each channel has an independent AC reference input (Ref HI and Ref LO) that provides the
reference frequency for the synchro-analog outputs.
The polarity conventions for the synchro analog outputs and A C reference outputs are as
follows. S I , S2, and S3 are the synchro-analog outputs; RN! and R w are the A C reference
inputs, high and low, respectively. 0 represents the position of the synchro shaft.
S3-SI = (Rtirrtio) sin 0
S2-S3 = (RH-Rw) sin (0 + 120 °)
S I-S2 = (RHrRLo) sin (0 + 240 °)
S3-S1 will be in phase with RHrRL0 when sin 0 is positive, and 180 degrees out of phase with
RHI-Rw when sin 0 is negative.
S2-S3 will be in phase with RHI-Rw when sin (0 + 120°) is positive, and 180 degrees out of
phase with RHI-Rw when sin (0 + 120 °) is negative.
SI-S2 will be in phase with RHI-Rw when sin (0 + 240 °) is positive, and 180 degrees out of
phase with RHI-Rw when sin (0 + 240 °) is negative. ,
It is recommended that if measuring the synchro outputs with an oscilloscope, the
oscilloscope ground not be hooked to any o f the outputs. M a k e a differential
measurement with two channels of the oscilloscope instead. Although the outputs
are isolated, and any one signal can be connected to ground, multiple outputs can
accidentally be shorted causing severe damage to the card.
ExI 5V and - I 5 V DC Inputs
A 53A-062 internal ±15V DC power supply can deliver 2 amperes to a 53A System chassis. A
53A-070 internal ±15V DC power supply can deliver 1.5 amperes to a 63A System chassis.
Using multiple 53A-570 Cards or other function cards in the same system chassis that also
require ±15V DC power may exceed the capacities of these supplies. Yo u can determine the
total amount of ±15V DC power required for a given card configuration using the data given
in the Specifications section (Power Requirements) of each card's operating manual. I f the
system chassis demands additional power, external ±15V DC power can be applied through
four pins on the 53A-570 Card's front edge connector (pins 23 and 24 for +15V DC, pins AA
and BB for - I 5 V DC) or directly to the card cage backplane. T o connect external ±15V DC
power to the card cage backplane, consult the factory for installation details.
CAUTION: See FUSES description above.