The 53A-570 Card is a function card; therefore, it may be plugged into any blue card slot.
Setting the Address Select switch defines the card's programming address. To avoid confusion,
it is recommended that the slot number and the programming address be the same.
To avoid plugging the card in backwards, observe the following:
a. M a t c h the keyed slot on the card to the key in the backplane connector. The
component side should be to the right for a 53 Series Chassis and to the top
for a 63 Series Chassis.
b. T h e r e are two ejectors on the card. M a k e sure the ejector marked "53A-570"
is at the toD for a 53 Series Chassis and to the left for a 63 Series Chassis.
The 53A-570 C a r d i s a piece o f electronic equipment a n d therefore h a s some
susceptibility to electrostatic damage (ESD). E S D precautions must be taken whenever
the module
is handled.
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