channel B to 0 °, and channel A to 9.522 °. The 53A-570 Card
address is mainframe 1, card address 3. T h e Power LED is out.
The following commands show invalid or missing characters:
@05 234A
53A-570 Card is addressed. Because of the missing decimal
point, channel A is not changed. T h e Power LED is out.
The 53A-570 Card is addressed. T h e data string contains an
invalid character (T, in this case). T h e character is ignored and
treated as a 0. The channel A output is changed accordingly, and
the Power LED is out.
Svnchro Output Polarity Convention
The synchro voltage outputs, S3-S1, S2-S3, and SI-S2, resulting from an output of 0 in degrees,
are found by the following equations:
S3-S1 = 11.8 sin 0 V RMS
S2-S3 = 11.8 sin (0 + 120 °) V RMS
SI-S2 = 11.8 sin (0 + 240 °) V RMS
As an example, for 0 = 246.3620 these voltages are:
SI-S3 = 10.81V RMS out of phase (with respect to RHI-RLO)
S2-S3 = 1 . 3 1 V RMS in phase (with respect to RHI-Rw)
SI-S2 = 9 . 5 0 V RMS in phase (with respect to RHI-Rw)
Figure 1 shows the differential reference input and the three differential synchro outputs for
this example. N o t e that all synchro outputs are always either in phase or 180 degrees out of
phase w i t h respect t o the reference. T h e ratio between t h e amplitudes o f t h e three
differential outputs (not phase angle difference) determines the angular value represented by
a synchro signal.
CAUTION:See the caution on page 570-3 o f this manual i f you choose to measure these
outputs with an oscilloscope.