ATEX - Declaration of Conformity | 15
Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 ATEX | Version 1-en
81 / 88
The identification of the equipment group shall contain the following information:
Conveyed medium Zone 2,
Installation site no Zone
II 3/-G
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* Gc/-
Conveyed medium Zone 2,
Installation site Zone 2
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* Gc
Conveyed medium no Zone,
Installation site Zone 2
II -/3G
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* -/Gc
Conveyed medium Zone 1,
Installation site no Zone
II 2/-G
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* Gb/-
Conveyed medium Zone 2,
Installation site Zone 1
II 3/2G
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* Gc/Gb
Conveyed medium Zone 1,
Installation site Zone 1
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* Gb
Conveyed medium Zone 1,
Installation site Zone 2
II 2/3G
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* Gb/Gc
Conveyed medium no Zone,
Installation site Zone 1
II -/2G
Ex h IIB+H2 T3 or T4* -/Gb
*) T3 or T4 according to the attached motor. The fan as a non-electrical compo-
nent corresponds to T4.
Spiez, 6/7/2021
U. Moser
(Division manager)
Andreas Roth
(Authorized Representative)
Appendix of the ATEX Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
TD-000 824
Description of the product
• Centrifugal fans of the series CMVpro 125 to 400 ATEX are used to extract
room air or process exhaust air. They are driven directly by electric motors.
• Conveyed media are chemically aggressive gases, vapors, or air contami-
nated with them.
• Material selection depends on the requirements (zone inside/outside) and
the presence of droplets.
Test report
TD-000 823