15 | ATEX - Declaration of Conformity
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Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 ATEX | Version 1-en
ATEX - Declaration of Conformity
Equipment, components, and protective systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres -
Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX)
Declaration of Conformity
TD-000 824
Equipment group
Non-electrical equipment and components of
equipment group II, categories 2 and 3
Product description
Plastic industrial fan
Product designations
CMVpro 125 ATEX, CMVpro 160 ATEX,
CMVpro 200 ATEX, CMVpro 250 ATEX,
CMVpro 315 ATEX, CMVpro 400 ATEX
Faulenbachweg 63
3700 Spiez
The design of this equipment and the various executions are specified in the ap-
pendix to this Declaration of Conformity and in the technical report.
Colasit AG certifies compliance with the essential health and safety require-
ments for the design and construction of equipment and protective systems in-
tended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres according to Annex II of Di-
rective 2014/34/EU.
The results of the test are recorded in the confidential test report TD-000 823
and deposited with the notified body (Eurofins, Fehraltdorf).
The essential health and safety requirements
are met through conformance with
EN ISO 80079-36: 2016
EN ISO 80079-37: 2016
EN 1127-1: 2019
EN 14986: 2017
If there is an X after the certificate number, special conditions for safe use of the
equipment are referred to in the appendix of this certificate.
This Declaration of Conformity relates only to the design and construction of the
specified equipment group according to Directive 2014/34/EU. Further require-
ments of this Directive apply to the manufacture of this equipment and its place-
ment on the market.