CM1K Hardware User’s Manual
Hardware design
The CM1K does not learn
The neurons will not learn if the UNC_ line is driven. Verify that it is in tri-state during a learning
The CM1K in standalone mode
How low can you run VCCIO?
2.7 volts would work providing the core will have to stay above 1.2 volts.
If we're only using the I2C bus in single chip mode with no recognition
logic, what else must be connected?
A 27 MHz (or less) clock, a 1.2 Volts VR and simple reset logic (RC network)
Does CM1K retain data when STDBY is asserted?
Yes, STDY cuts the internal clock and puts the neuron ram in very low power. As long as the core
remains at 1.2 volts, the neurons’ content is kept.
How fast can the part wake and become ready after STDBY is deasserted?
Next clock cycle
How much power does the part consume in standby?
Should decrease by at least factor 10 according to specifications
The CM1K does not learn, nor recognize my vectors when I know it should
Verify that the neurons are not in Save-and-Restore mode by reading the Network Status Register (NSR).
If it is equal to 16 (0x10) then the neurons behave as dummy memories and cannot learn nor recognize.
Verify that the Global Context Register (GCR) is set to the proper value. If you have learned your vectors
while the GCR was equal to A, they will not be recognize if the GCR at the time of the recognition is
different from A or 0.