BYOC Digital Echo & Ping Pong Kit
Parts Checklist……………………..............…… 2 - 3
Populating the Circuit Board………… 4 - 11
Assembly……………………………… 12 - 13
Wiring the jacks, footswitch, and battery 14
Mounting the 15 - 17
Wiring the PCB……………………… 18
Finish up……………………………..............… 19
Schematic, Understanding the circuit and 20 - 31
Please read through the instructions completely before
beginning this project. This is one of our most difficult kits
and it is a little different than other BYOC kits, so even if you
are an experienced builder, take the time to look these
instructions over...particularly the beginning of “populating
the PCB” and “wiring the jacks, footswitch, and batterysnap”.
Copyright 2008 Build Your Own Clone