4.7 Internal LED description
This section describes the internal status LEDs which can be seen from the front behind the dust filter. These status LEDs
can be helpful for trou bleshooting in case of an unexpected amplifer behaviour.
4.7.1 Overload protect limiter LED:
This white LED will flash if the overload protection limiter is activated. Please see chapter 4.5.2 for more details.
4.7.2 FuseProtect limiter LED / mains supply status indicator LED:
During normal operation, this red LED indicates that the FuseProtect lim iter is activated. Please see chapter 4.4.5 for
more details.
Additionally, if the amplifier has been powered down (standby), this LED indicates the status of the mains:
- SMPS / amplifier off (standby) and FuseProtect LED on: bad mains volt age or no mains voltage at all
- SMPS / amplifier off (standby) and FuseProtect LED off: mains voltage OK.
4.7.3 SMPS ON-LED:
This green LED will be constantly on as long as the main SMPS inside the amplifier is working. If the amplifier has been
powered down (standby) this LED will be slowly pulsating, indicating that the SMPS is off but ready to be switched on
again at any time.
4.7.4 ICL ON-LED:
The green LED indicates that the ICL (Inrush Current Limitation) is working properly. This LED should always be on as long
as the amplifier is connected to the mains (even if powered down or in standby). Should this LED not be on although the
amplifier is connected to mains, please check your mains distribution. See also chapter 3.3.2 and 4.4.1 for more details.
4.7.5 Mains surge overvoltage protection LED:
This yellow/orange LED indicates the the surge overvoltage protection is still active. Please see chapter 4.4.3 for more