E’ possibile inserire il sistema di allarme in caso di emergenza
anche tramite la
pressione del tasto presente sulla driver card, senza bloccare le porte.
The system can
also be armed by pressing the key on the driver card.
Disarming (using the driver card)
Premessa: il disinserimento dell’allarme avviene conseguentemente utilizzando il
radiocomando originale della vettura e tramite il riconoscimento della driver card con la
seguente modalità:
1) Original radiocontrol recognition procedure:
Press the original radiocontrol button to unlock the doors.
The direction lights flash.
The protection functions are temporarily deactivated while awaiting the driver
The buzzer emits an acoustic signal (if enabled). Once the driver card has been
recognised, the LED switches off .
E’ possibile inserire il sistema di allarme in caso di emergenza
anche tramite la
pressione del tasto presente sulla driver card, senza sbloccare le porte.
- Deactivating the ultrasonic volumentric sensor.
If you wish to arm the protection system with the windows left open or when a
passenger will be staying inside the passenger compartment, it is possible to deactivate
the volumetric sensor so that it will not generate any alarms.
Within 5 s after having turned off the ignition, press the button on the control
panel.Keep the button pressed down until you see the LED give a long flash. If an
hyperfrequency or anti-lifting sensor is installed, it is possible to deactivate it B
pressing the button again within 5 s after the LED has flashed. The LED will flash
again to confirm its deactivation.
Arm the system by pressing the radiocontrol button: the sensors are deactivated
but all the other protections are active. The sensors will be automatically
reactivated the next time the ignition is turned on.
- Driver card Function.
The driver card is used exclusively for the user recognition phase:
When the doors are unlocked by the vehicle’s original radiocontrol the system goes into a
“pre-disarm” phase which lasts for 15 s, activated by the opening of a door.
When 15 s have elapsed after the door opened, unless driver card recognition has
occurred an alarm state is generated. It is possible to disarm the system during the alarm
phase using the driver card key or by keying in the entire Pin Code from the LED panel
(see chap.
17.1 page 71
06DE2373Acorrect version.pmd
16/03/2007, 11.07