Next, the Small Remote Display Install
1. Make a mark for the RDU (Remote Display Unit) outside the room where the
SEU is and CO2 is stored. Screw the mounting bracket where the mark is.
(Should be mounted at eye level.)
a. Plug in the other end of the ethernet cable into the back of the RDU (Remote
Display Unit)
b. Mount the RDU onto the bracket on the wall, the input on the Remote
Display Unit should be connected to the output on the SEU (Sensor Unit).
c. Place the warning signs that came with the device, on the wall directly next
to the RDU. (
The signs should be visible
Perform a Test
To test if the monitor is operating correctly, you can do a simple
test. Normal
Indoor Air Quality Levels are between 400-1200ppm.
To test the device, simply blow (huff) on the hole located on the
left top corner
of the SEU. Your exhaled breath is about 3%CO2 which is more than enough
to set off the alarm.
*Verify that the alarms are sounding, and the lights are flashing,
on both the
SEU and RDU.
Now you know the monitor is working, the alarm will stop once
the CO2
returns to a normal level.
(You can also press the reset alarm button on the SEU to
silence the alarm.)