C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
Tr a n q u i l i t y
( T R ) S e r i e s
R e v. : N o v e m b e r 2 , 2 0 2 0
C l i m a t e M a s t e r Wa t e r - S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
Field Conversion of Air Discharge
Connection End
Return Air
Remove Screws
Connection End
Return Air
Move to Side
Side Discharge
Return Air
Connection End
Discharge Air
Back Discharge
Replace Screws
Extremo de Con
Conducto de Alimentación
Retorno de Aire
Extremo de Conexión de Agua
Retorno de Aire
Descarga de Aire
Descarga Lateral
Connection End
Supply Duct
Return Air
Connection End
Return Air
Discharge Air
Side Discharge
Back Discharge
Overview -
Horizontal units can be field converted
between side (straight) and back (end) discharge using
the instructions below.
Note: It is not possible to field convert return air
between left or right return models due to the
necessity of refrigeration copper piping changes.
Preparation - It is best to field convert the unit on the
ground before hanging. If the unit is already hung it
should be taken down for the field conversion.
Side to Back Discharge Conversion
1. Place unit in well lit area. Remove the screws as shown
in Figure 4 to free top panel and discharge panel.
2. Lift out the access panel and set aside. Lift and rotate
the discharge panel to the other position as shown,
being careful with the blower wiring.
3. Check blower wire routing and connections for
tension or contact with sheet metal edges. Re-route if
4. Check refrigerant tubing for contact with other
5. Reinstall top panel and screws noting that the location
for some screws will have changed.
6. Manually spin the fan wheel to ensure that the wheel
is not rubbing or obstructed.
7. Replace access panels.
Back to Side Discharge Conversion -
If the discharge is
changed from back to side, use above instruction noting
that illustrations will be reversed.
Left vs. Right Return -
It is not possible to field convert
return air between left or right return models due to
the necessity of refrigeration copper piping changes.
However, the conversion process of side to back or
back to side discharge for either right or left return
configuration is the same. In some cases, it may be
possible to rotate the entire unit 180 degrees if the return
air connection needs to be on the opposite side.
Note that
rotating the unit will move the piping to the other end
of the unit.
Figure 5: Right Return Side to Back
Figure 4: Left Return Side to Back
Содержание Tranquility TR Series
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