Step 5: Test the LED.
Arm the system with the remote control.
Flashes repeatedly. This is the correct response, proceed to step 6.
No flashes. Verify that the LEDs VIOLET and BLACK wires are properly connected. Warning:
This is a 2-volt LED, testing with 12 volts will destroy the LED.
Step 6: Test the disarm function.
Disarm with the factory remote.
Parking lights flash once (if connected). If the parking lights do not flash once, refer to step 3.
LED stops flashing.
Doors unlock. If not refer to step 4.
Immobilizer circuit immediately disengages (test by starting the engine with the key). If the
immobilizer circuit does not disengage, refer to step 1.
Interior courtesy light(s) turn on (if connected) and stay on for 30 seconds or until ignition on.
If the interior light(s) do not turn on, verify that you replaced the interior light fuse if removed or
have turned the lights back on.
If the fuse blew when you disarmed, the vehicle uses a positive door trigger and you connected
the interior light supply wire to ground instead of +12V.
Check the door trigger circuit.
Step 7: Test the door trigger circuit.
Rearm, then use the key to unlock and open the driver’s door.
Horn sounds, parking lights flash repeatedly (if connected). This is the correct response, proceed
to step 8.
Horn does not sound immediately. Make sure the door pin switches consistently show less than
1.5 volts if negative-switching or more than +11 volts if positive-switching.
Step 8: Test the optional trunk trigger circuit.
Arm the system, then use the key to unlock the trunk.
Horn sounds, parking lights flash repeatedly (if connected). This is the correct response, proceed
to step 9.
Alarm does not sound immediately. If the alarm does not sound immediately, make sure that the
trunk pin switch is working properly and, when open, is consistently showing less than 1.5 volts.
Also make sure the trunk pin switch is connected to the correct wire. If not, the trunk pin switch
must be thoroughly cleaned or replaced.
Step 9: Test the optional Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor.
Arm the system, wait 70 seconds, then tap the car softly with your fist. The following should
Horn beeps five times (if connected). Proceed to step 10.
Hit the car firmly with your fist. The following should occur:
Alarm triggers. Proceed to step 11.
If either of these test fail, adjust the sensor using the adjustment knob and retest. Keep in
mind that the sensor does not come online until about 70 seconds after arming.
Step 10: Adhere the Clifford window decals to the vehicle’s front windows.
D:...-923 Level 3 install manual.vp
Mon Aug 02 10:56:56 1999
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