5 seconds. During the 5 second bypass period, ground can be supplied to the H1/6 Blue wire
without triggering the unit. When the 5 second bypass period ends, if the unit sees ground on the
H1/6 Blue wire, all trigger inputs except the door trigger input will remain bypassed until 5 seconds
after ground is removed from the BLUE wire. This can be done using the status output of a Directed
Electronics remote engine starting unit as shown in the following diagram:
System Features Learn Routine
The System Features Learn Routine dictates how the unit operates. Due to the number of steps,
they have been broken up into two menus. It is possible to access and change any of the feature
settings using the Valet/Program switch. However, this process can be greatly simplified by using the
optional Directed Bitwriter or Personal Computer Interface, P/N 996T. Any of the settings can be
changed and then assigned to a particular transmitter, up to four, a feature called Owner
Recognition. Each time that particular transmitter is used to disarm the system, the assigned feature
settings will be recalled. Owner Recognition is only possible when programming the unit via the
996T or the 998T Directed Bitwriter.
If using the Directed Bitwriter or PC Interface to program System Features Code Learning,
you may lock the unit so that the features cannot be altered via manual programming with
the Valet switch. If you later wish to program the system manually, you must unlock the unit using
the Directed Bitwriter or PC Interface before you will be able to reprogram the features. If the siren
generates one long chirp when attempting to program the unit, this indicates that the unit has been
locked and must be unlocked with the Bitwriter or PC Interface before proceeding.
1. O
Oppeenn aa ddoooorr.. (The H1/5 GREEN wire or the H1/7 VIOLET wire must be
2. IIggnniittiioonn.. Turn the ignition on, then back off: (The H1/9 YELLOW wire must
be connected.)