Directed Electronics, Inc.
H1/7 VIOLET (+) door trigger input, zone 3
This type of dome circuit is used in many Ford products. Connect the violet wire to a wire that
shows (+)12V when any door is opened, and ground when the door is closed. This wire will report
Zone 3.
H1/8 BLACK (-) chassis ground connection
Remove any paint and connect this wire to bare metal, preferably with a factory bolt rather than
your own screw. (Screws tend to either strip or loosen with time.) We recommend grounding all
your components, including the siren, to the same point in the vehicle.
H1/9 YELLOW (+) ignition input, zone 5
Connect this wire to the (+)12V ignition wire. This wire is pre-wired to the starter kill relay and
must show (+)12V with the key in Run position and during cranking. Take great care that this wire
cannot be shorted to the chassis at any point. This wire will report Zone 5.