Clenergy China
Tel86 592 311 0088
999-1009 Min'an Rd, Huoju Hi-tech Ind. Dev. Zone
Fac86 592 599 5028
Xiang'an District 361101, Xiamen, Fujian, China
2.3.2 Ground Screw Installation Precautions
All ground screws for the projects are hot dipped galvanized to offer good look
and reliable corrosive resistance, please pay attention to below tips:
- In order to protect the Zin coating of ground screws from scratches and
peeling. Please be careful while unloading.
- In order to protect the ground screws from coating wear and structural
deformation, DO NOT pile the ground screws forcefully while there are large
- Please apply Zin-rich paint on the surface of ground screws if necessary. And
Clenergy will not be liable to the scratches and peeling on the coating surface
of ground screws that caused by improperly unloading and piling in the
construction site.