Before installing the
Aqua Elite 50
, the pool’s water must be clear and balanced properly. It is extremely important that the
following guidelines are implemented - so please read thoroughly.
pH Reading Must be Between 7.2 and 7.6
The most important factor in the pool’s water chemistry is the pH reading. It should be kept between 7.2 and 7.6 at
all times.
If the pH gets too high,
Aqua Elite 50’s
ions lose their effectiveness and can fall out of solution.
Always get the
pH on the lower side – 7.2 to 7.4 for best results.
If the pH is above 7.6 -
Using an acid demand test with your regular test kit, determine the amount of muriatic acid
needed to lower the pH down to 7.2. Add the acid and check a few hours later to make sure it is in the correct range.
If the pH is under 7.2 -
Using a base demand test with your regular test kit, determine the amount of soda ash needed to
raise the pH to at least 7.2. If the pH tends to go down all the time, add enough soda ash to raise the pH to 7.6
Tips on balancing the pH -
Test the pH at least once a week or after a heavy rainstorm. When adjusting the pH, don't
wait fort the pH to reach 8.0 before adding acid. Proceed to add a minimum amount of acid if the pH is over 7.6. If you
use the non-chlorine shock as an oxidizer, this will lower the pH and may eliminate acid use completely.
Total Alkalinity
Maintain the total alkalinity between 80-120 ppm. This should be tested at least once a month.
If the total alkalinity is under 80 ppm -
Raise the total alkalinity by adding sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Consult
chart with your test kit for the amount needed (based on pool size).
If the total alkalinity is over 120 ppm -
Lower the total alkalinity by adding muriatic acid. Consult chart with your test
kit for the amount to add.
Calcium Hardness
The calcium hardness level should be between 150-350 ppm.
If the reading is well over that, the pool should be partially
drained and refilled with fresh water. If the reading is under that, chances are the pool was filled with softened water.
Calcium chloride should be added to the pool. 1 1/4 lbs will raise the calcium hardness by 10 ppm per 10,000 gallons.
Cyanuric Acid
Cyanuric acid is not required with the
Aqua Elite 50
unit. If the reading is over 150 ppm, the pool should be partially
drained and refilled with fresh water.
Total Dissolved Solids
Aqua Elite 50
unit requires some conductivity in the water for ionization to take place. A high TDS level can cause
cloudiness and the unit not to work efficiently.
The TDS level should be between 300 and 2000 ppm.
The TDS reading
can be obtained at any pool store.
If the reading is below 300 ppm -
To raise the TDS level, you would need to add one pound of regular salt to raise the
TDS by 12 ppm per 10,000 gallons. You should only do this if you are unable to obtain the desired ion level in the pool
because of a low TDS (see chapter T on Page 16 - 17). Always consult your dealer or
with help in this matter.
If the reading is over 2000 ppm -
To lower the TDS level, you should partially drain and refill with fresh water. This is
standard pool water chemistry. If the unit is being installed on a saltwater pool, the unit will work without any adjustments
and there is no need to lower the TDS level.
Copper Level
Before installing the
Aqua Elite 50
unit, the copper level should be tested. There may be readings of copper sulfate in the
water from leached copper piping or from a copper based algaecide. Correct the problem by either locating the copper pipe
(usually next to a water heater) and balancing the pH, or eliminating any algaecides completely. Shock the pool with an
extra heavy dose of chlorine to get rid of the algaecides.