YOURx Multi-Purpose Terminal
Installation Manual
Direct: 763.476.6866 • National: 800.422.2537 • www.SeeClearfield.com • [email protected]
Manual 021023 REV A - Jan 2020
Pass the buffer tubes/ribbons to be splice through the slot on the chosen side of the bulkhead, transitioning the fiber
from the back of the terminal to the front. It is recommended to place zip ties/wax string before storing buffer tubes.
Store the remaining buffer tubes in the slack storage area, coiling it neatly into place and securing with a velcro strap
across the top.
Place a zip tie or piece of wax string into the tie-down location in the terminal.
Note that buffer tubes/ribbons can be secured to either side of the splicing area.
From the tie-down location, measure 30 inches and trim your fiber. Open up the
buffer tube from after the tie-down location, exposing the 250 micron fibers.
Wrap one lap of grommet tape around the buffer tube approximately 1/4 inch
behind the opening, and secure it into place at the tie-down location using the zip
tie or piece of wax string.
Route the fibers into the splice tray.
Install the splice chip into the slot at the center of the splice tray.
Route the fibers to be spliced (keeping others stored) and bring them into the
splice chip. Trim fibers to length at the center of the splice chip.
Clearfield recommends at least 1.5 laps of slack stored in the splice tray.