Can I use Test Sticks from
different packs?
It is important that you always use your Test Sticks in sets of 10 from the same pack. The
Fertility Monitor works by comparing the current day’s test reading with those of previous
days. As there are slight sensitivity differences between batches of Test Sticks, optimal performance
is achieved when the Test Sticks are used in sets of 10 from the same pack. After carrying out your
first 10 tests, the Monitor may request a further 10 tests in the same cycle. If you do not have any
more Test Sticks from the same pack, then you may use 10 Test Sticks from a different pack to
complete your testing. You should perform all of the tests requested by the Monitor.
If I lose or ruin a Test Stick can I start
a new pack?
You should normally only use a second set of 10 Test Sticks if the Monitor has requested more
than 10 tests in that cycle. However, if you have damaged a Test Stick and have not yet seen your
Peak Fertility on that cycle, you can start a second set of 10 Test Sticks from a new pack.
How should I dispose of used
Test Sticks?
Used Test Sticks should be thrown away with your household waste. Do NOT flush them down
the toilet.
How do I test if I work night shifts
or travel between time zones?
When you press the
Button on day 1, this determines the Testing Window for that cycle. If you
consistently work night shifts, you should set your
Button so that your Testing Window permits
you to test using your first urine after waking, which, in this instance, may be in the afternoon.
If your sleeping pattern changes temporarily during your testing period, for example if you travel
to a different time zone and awaken before or after your normal Testing Window, you should
collect a sample of your first urine upon waking. You should store the collected urine and check
your Monitor during your next possible Testing Window and, if you need to do a test, use the
collected urine. (Refer to question18 on testing with collected urine). You will need to follow this
procedure for all your tests in the new time zone. You may test as you normally do if you awaken
during your normal Testing Window.
Please Note:
Button setting
time is important. Please refer to
pages 11 and 12.
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