High Fertility:
increased chance of conception
High Fertility: What does this mean?
• High Fertility is indicated by two bars in the left hand side of the Display Screen. These are
displayed when the
Clearblue® Easy
Fertility Monitor detects an increase in estrogen,
which occurs as you approach your Peak Fertility.
• If you have intercourse on days of High Fertility you will increase your chances of becoming
• In the first cycle the Monitor will need to get to know you. It is possible therefore that you may
get more than 5 High Fertility days prior to Peak Fertility in this cycle. Don’t worry, from cycle 2
on the Monitor will reduce this for the majority of women to between 1 and 5 High Fertility days.
• Please refer to question 12 and question 13 on page 24 for further information.
Peak Fertility: What does this mean?
• Peak Fertility is indicated by three bars in the left hand side of the Display Screen and the
symbol. You are at Peak Fertility around ovulation, when an egg is released (refer to page 4).
• If you have intercourse during this Peak Fertility time, then you have the greatest chance of
becoming pregnant.
• The
Clearblue® Easy
Fertility Monitor identifies your days of Peak Fertility by detecting the
surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), which triggers ovulation to occur approximately 24-36
hours later (refer to pages 3 and 4). Peak Fertility will be indicated on the day of the LH
surge, as well as the following day.
• There is a chance that the egg can still be fertilized after this time, therefore you will be
shown 1 day of High Fertility following your days of Peak Fertility.
• There may be a small percentage of cycles in which you do not see Peak Fertility –
for more information refer to question 11 on page 24.
Peak Fertility:
highest chance of conception
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