7 Nord WaVE MaNaGEr
| 55
Samp Init Program
Every Sample Instrument can have a complete set of the
Nord Wave synth parameters assigned to it. these param-
eters will be recalled if you perform the Samp Init function
on the Nord Wave.
this can be very useful if you for example want to make
sure that the Nord Wave functions (filters, envelopes etc.)
affect a particular Sample Instrument in a certain way.
the typical workflow is to first create and edit all the
samples in the Project to your liking, then generate a
Sample Instrument and download this to a Nord Wave.
then you would use that Sample Instrument and create a
great Program using all the functions in the Wave, and save
this as a Program.
Go back to the same original Project, and upload the pa-
rameters from the Wave to the Project, save the Project and
finally generate and download the now more complete
Sample Instrument again to the Nord Wave.
Press this button to get the program settings of the cur-
rently active program from a connected Nord Wave.
Will display “Stored” when the program settings have been
received from the Nord Wave.
Play Mode
this allows you to choose if a sample should be pitched ac-
cording to the standard 12 tone interval when you play the
keys it has been assigned to, or to play back at its original
pitch, regardless of what key you play.
If you e.g. have some drum samples that span several keys,
they could be set to Unpitched if you want them to play at
the same, original pitch.