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The table may be raised, lowered or
swivelled around the column by
slackening the table support locking
handle shown in Fig 10, and adjusting
the table position accordingly and
retightening the locking handle.
It may also be tilted by loosening the
bolt which secures the table to its
mounting, tilting the table to the
required position and retightening
the bolt shown in Fig 11.
A bevel scale is provided on the
table mounting, (measured in
degrees), to assist in setting the
required angle. However, for greater
accuracy the use of a protractor is
For all normal operations, the table
should be set to 0°.
To check to ensure the drill is
perpendicular to the table, install a
large drill bit in the chuck, place a set-square on the table, and bring it up to
the drill. Adjust the table if necessary, so that it is perfectly level.