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2. Position the rack in the slot in the
table support, so that the rack
teeth engage with the worm
gear. Position the centre of the
rack close to the worm gear as
shown in Fig 2, with the long,
smooth end uppermost.
3. Holding it in this position, slide the
table support, complete with the
rack, onto the column.
4. Lower the assembly so that the
lower end of the rack sits fully into
the recess at the base of the
column support as in Fig 3.
5. Fit the collar onto the column,
with the recess facing downwards
to hold the top of the rack in
6. With the rack sitting snugly in the
recesses, top and bottom, tighten
the collar set screw with a hex
key, as shown in Fig 4. Do not
7. Ensure there is sufficient
clearance to allow the complete table assembly to move around the
column. If necessary, reposition the collar to achieve good movement.
8. Check that the table moves smoothly from top to bottom of the rack by
turning the crank handle.