Underwater Speaker
Place the wire clamp under each clamp tab, verifying the nut and bolt adjuster is accessible when
the clamp is placed under the tabs. Insure the mounting gasket and face ring are still evenly
centered. Use a wrench and a Phillips screwdriver to tighten the wire clamp. When fully tightened,
the wire clamp should be firmly seated in each clamp tab and the speaker should be secure. Pick
up the assembly and insure it is still properly centered in the face ring. If not, loosen the wire
clamp and adjust.
Take the end of the speaker wire and pull it through the conduit hole in the back of the niche. For
future speaker servicing, leave enough speaker wire in the niche to allow the speaker to be placed
on the pool deck.
Note: In actual applications, the niche will already be mounted in the wall of the pool.