Operating Manual
Processing start
Before the commissioning of RSP Easy, the processing start has to be adjusted to
the correct position. In the correct position, the processing start marking of the base
blanket and/or the tip of the indentation is in alignment with the print start line of the
blanket cylinder. To adjust the alignment, set the rubber blanket lock-up shafts using
the rubber blanket clamping screw.
Processing impression
Adjustment of the processing impression
First copy: distance of blanket cylinder to impression cylinder 0.35 mm
Proof sheet
• Throw-on or throw-off printing impression in accordance with the proof sheets
in small steps
Adjustment of the processing impression in the special case of creasing only
Distance of blanket cylinder to impression cylinder 0.35 mm
Proof sheet
• Throw-on printing impression in accordance with the proof sheet in small steps
until a slight impression of the creasing rule may be seen on the printing material.
Reduction of the impression throw-on by 0.2 mm
• Transfer the offset creasing strip (see page 45)
Adjust the creasing by throw-on or throw-off printing impression
The optimum setting is achieved when the creasing bulge is at its maximum and
delamination occurs within the creasing bulge. If an imprint of the offset creasing strip
may be seen on the printing material, the impression is too high.
5. Commissioning of RSP Easy