Scheduler Profile Configuration
You can create up to 16 scheduler profile names. By default, no profiles are created.
To view the scheduler status and add a scheduler profile:
Step 1
Wireless > Scheduler
Step 2
to ensure that the
Administrative Mode
is enabled. By default it is disabled.
Scheduler Operational Status
area indicates the current operation status of the Scheduler:
— The operational status (Enabled or Disabled) of the Scheduler. The default is Disabled.
— The reason for the scheduler operational status. Possible values are:
Is Active
— The scheduler is administratively enabled.
Administrative Mode is disabled
— The scheduler administrative mode is disabled.
System Time is outdated
— The system time is outdated.
Managed Mode
— The scheduler is in managed mode.
Step 3
To add a profile, enter a profile name in the
Create a Profile Name
text box and click
. The profile name can be up
to 32 alphanumeric characters.
Profile Rule Configuration
You can configure up to 16 rules for a profile. Each rule specifies the start time, end time, and day (or days)
of the week that the radio or VAP can be operational. The rules are periodic in nature and are repeated every
week. A valid rule must contain all of the following parameters (days of the week, hour, and minute) for the
start and end time. Rules cannot conflict; for example, you can configure one rule to start on each weekday
and another to start on each weekend day, but you cannot configure one rule to begin daily and another rule
to begin on weekends.
To configure a profile rule:
Step 1
Choose the profile from the
Select a Profile Name
Step 2
The new rule is displayed in the
Profile Rule Table
Step 3
Check the check box before the
Profile Name
and click
Step 4
From the
Day of the Week
menu, choose the recurring schedule for the rule. You can configure the rule to occur daily,
each weekday, each weekend day (Saturday and Sunday), or any single day of the week.
Step 5
Set the start and end times:
Start Time (24hh:mm)
— Set the time when the radio or VAP is enabled. The time is in hh:mm 24-hour format.
The range is <00-23>:<00-59>. The default is 00:00.
Cisco WAP581 Wireless-AC/N Dual Radio Access Point with 2.5GbE LAN Administration Guide
Scheduler Profile Configuration