Portal Title Prompting
— The text that appears in the page header, to the right of the logo. The range is from 1 to
128 characters. The default is Welcome to the Wireless Network.
Account Tips Prompting
— The text that appears in the page body below the user name and password text boxes.
The range is from 1 to 256 characters. The default is To start using this service, enter your credentials and click the
connect button.
Acceptance Policy
— The text that appears in the Acceptance Use Policy box. The range is from 1 to 4096 characters.
The default is Acceptance Use Policy.
Acceptance Prompting
— The text that instructs users to select the check box to acknowledge reading and accepting
the Acceptance Use Policy. The range is from 1 to 128 characters.
No Acceptance Warning
— The text that appears in a pop-up window when a user submits login credentials without
selecting the Acceptance Use Policy check box. The range is from 1 to 128 characters.
Work In Progress Prompting
—The text that appears during the authentication process. The range is from 1 to 128
Invalid Credentials Prompting
— The text that appears when a user fails the authentication. The range is from 1
to 128 characters.
Connect Success Prompting
— The text that appears when the client has authenticated to the VAP. The range is
from 1 to 128 characters.
Welcome Prompting
— The text that appears when the client has connected to the network. The range is from 1
to 256 characters.
— Deletes the current locale.
Step 5
. Your changes are saved to the Startup Configuration.
Step 6
to view the updated page.
will show the text and the images that have already been saved to the Startup Configuration. If you
make a change, click
before clicking
to see your changes.
Cisco WAP581 Wireless-AC/N Dual Radio Access Point with 2.5GbE LAN Administration Guide
Access Control
Web Portal Customization