Feature Description Guide
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Cisco Unified
phones, and
Cisco Unified Video Advantage (formerly Cisco VT Advantage) adds video telephony features to Cisco Unified IP
Phones (Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 models plus Cisco IP Communicator softphone).
Cisco Unified Video Advantage offers a Cisco Video Advantage camera (or third-party USB camera) plus
Windows software. The camera is connected to the Windows PC, and the PC is connected to the Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7900, which is then connected to the network. When you make a call from one video-enabled endpoint
(within the site, or site to site over the WAN), video is displayed automatically.
Watch button
phones, and
You can configure a button on your IP phone or sidecar to show the status of another IP phone on the network;
this button is also known as the busy-lamp-field (BLF) button. Watch status shows a phone idle or in use, no
matter which directory number on the phone is in use. Refer also to “Busy lamp field.”
Cisco WebEx
With this free application with Cisco Unified Communications 500, an XML application shows Cisco WebEx
meetings you are either hosting or being invited to. In addition, a notification on the phone reminds you of
upcoming Cisco WebEx meetings; a softkey call button autodials you in to the meeting.
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