213 - 238 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v3.1 Instructor Guide – Appendix B
2004, Cisco Systems, Inc.
second to beyond 3 seconds, the following significant improvements in classroom
dynamics occurred:
Longer responses by students
More participation by more students with more confidence
Increase in student-to-student interactions
More questions asked
Improvements on complex assessments
Better classroom management
Instructors who use question and answer techniques to teach networking should increase the
wait time to see if student learning improves. Instructors can read an article written by Dr.
Rowe to learn more about this concept.
Rowe, M., (1974). Relation of wait-time and rewards to the development language, logic and
fate control: a. part one: wait time. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 11(2), 8l-94. b.
part two: rewards. 11(4), 29l-308.
Many resources about different forms of wait time are also available on the Web.