16- and 36-Port Ethernet Switch Module for Cisco 2600 Series, Cisco 3600 Series, and Cisco 3700 Series
show spanning-tree
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)XT, 12.2(8)T, and 12.2(15)ZJ
The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree summary command:
show spanning-tree summary
UplinkFast is disabled
Name Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
VLAN1 23 0 0 1 24
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
1 VLAN 23 0 0 1 24
The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree brief command:
show spanning-tree brief
Spanning tree enabled protocol IEEE
ROOT ID Priority 32768
Address 0030.7172.66c4
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Spanning tree enabled protocol IEEE
ROOT ID Priority 32768
Address 0030.7172.66c4
Port Designated
Name Port ID Prio Cost Sts Cost Bridge ID Port ID
------- ------- ---- ---- --- ---- -------------- -------
Fa0/11 128.17 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.17
Fa0/12 128.18 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.18
Fa0/13 128.19 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.19
Fa0/14 128.20 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.20
Fa0/15 128.21 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.21
Fa0/16 128.22 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.22
Fa0/17 128.23 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.23
Fa0/18 128.24 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.24
Fa0/19 128.25 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.25
Fa0/20 128.26 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.26
Fa0/21 128.27 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.27
Port Designated
Name Port ID Prio Cost Sts Cost Bridge ID Port ID
------- ------- ---- ---- --- ---- -------------- -------
Fa0/22 128.28 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.28
Fa0/23 128.29 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.29
Fa0/24 128.30 128 100 BLK 38 0404.0400.0001 128.30 Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20
sec Forward Delay 15 sec
The following is sample output from the show spanning-tree vlan 1 command:
show spanning-tree vlan 1
Spanning tree 1 is executing the IEEE compatible Spanning Tree protocol
Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address 00e0.1eb2.ddc0
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
Current root has priority 32768, address 0010.0b3f.ac80
Root port is 5, cost of root path is 10
Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set, changes 1
Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2
hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0
Interface Fa0/1 in Spanning tree 1 is down
Port path cost 100, Port priority 128
Designated root has priority 32768, address 0010.0b3f.ac80