Catalyst 3560 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring Interface Characteristics
Configuring the System MTU
To remove an IP address from an interface, use the no ip address interface configuration command.
This example shows how to configure a port as a routed port and to assign it an IP address:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet0/2
Switch(config-if)# no switchport
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
Configuring the System MTU
The default maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for frames received and transmitted on all interfaces
on the switch is 1500 bytes. You can increase the MTU size for all interfaces operating at 10 or 100 Mbps
by using the system mtu global configuration command. You can increase the MTU size to support
jumbo frames on all Gigabit Ethernet interfaces by using the system mtu jumbo global configuration
command. Gigabit Ethernet ports are not affected by the system mtu command; 10/100 ports are not
affected by the system jumbo mtu command.
You cannot set the MTU size for an individual interface; you set it for all 10/100 or all Gigabit Ethernet
interfaces on the switch. When you change the MTU size, you must reset the switch before the new
configuration takes effect.
The size of frames that can be received by the switch CPU is limited to 1500 bytes, no matter what value
was entered with the system mtu or system mtu jumbo commands. Although frames that are forwarded
or routed typically are not received by the CPU, in some cases packets are sent to the CPU, such as traffic
sent to control traffic, SNMP, Telnet, or routing protocols.
If Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are configured to accept frames greater than the 10/100 interfaces, jumbo
frames ingressing on a Gigabit Ethernet interface and egressing on a 10/100 interface are dropped.
Step 3
no switchport
For physical ports only, enter Layer 3 mode.
Step 4
ip address ip_address subnet_mask
Configure the IP address and IP subnet.
Step 5
no shutdown
Enable the interface.
Step 6
Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7
show interfaces [interface-id]
show ip interface [interface-id]
show running-config interface [interface-id]
Verify the configuration.
Step 8
copy running-config startup-config
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.