©2019 CIS Corporation. All rights reserved.
Defective Pixels Detection Registered by User
This is to detect and register the correction data of white defect caused by the image sensor.
DefectDetectionThesholdValue : This is to set the threshold value (0~4095: 12bit equivalent) of defective
pixels detection registered by user.
16times more value of the image signal level shall be specified as the threshold value with 8bit images.
DefectDetection : This is to detect the defective pixels registered by user.
This is the function to register the pixels automatically if a pixel exceeds the level specified at
DefectDetectionThresholdValue. Please be noted that no lights should be in the sensor surface to use this
The defective pixels correction registered by user shall be reflected right after the execution.
In case UserSetSave is executed after defective pixels detection registered by user, the data will be saved in
non-volatile memory.
DefectDetectionStatus : This is to indicate the result of the defective pixels correction detection registered by
If the 129 points or more is indicated, please check the threshold value (DefectDetectionThesholdValue) of
defective pixels detection registered by user is correct.
※ Please note that the error indication may appear in decimal depends on frame grabber board to use.
: This is to delete entire defective pixels correction data registered by user.
: This is to set the detection mode of defective pixels.
In case Reacquire is selected, other than defective pixel added by one point addition shall be
deleted, and reacquire the defective point.
In case Add is selected, the defect point is additionally acquired for the current defect point.
Correction data shall be acquired only when the camera is in operation. When camera is not outputting
anything, white defect detection cannot be performed.
When detecting defects, partial scan and binning mode shall be OFF. (Size shall be set to 1632 x 1248.)
When changing the threshold value of DefectDetectionThresholdValue and acquiring the defective pixels
correction data registered by user, please execute DefectPixelDefault and delete the defective pixels
correction data registered by user to reacquire it.
None defective pixels correction data registered by user.
Value (128 or less) When operating correctly (Detected number of defective pixels registered by user)
0x000e0001 (917505) Defective pixels correction data exceeds the maximum number (128 points) registerable.
0x000e0002 (917506) Defective pixels correction data exceeds the maximum number (32 points) registerable
in one CH.