EN - 33
If a temporary fault occurs:
- Fault not stored in memory if a mains power failure occurs.
- Fault stored in fault memory.
- The minimum or maximum superheat fault relay on the relay board is in the Off position.
During test mode, the time delays are counted down in seconds, not minutes.
Messages in the fault memory:
Sensor diagram: all sensor faults are stored in the fault memory.
Evaporator water inlet sensor: NTC 10 K at 25°C
Monitors the water temperature on the exchanger inlet in order to:
- Adjust the unit (water return control).
- Monitor the operation of the unit if the water return temperature is
too high (load limiting).
- Display the chilled water or hot water inlet temperature (display
40 to 99°C, resolution: 0.1 K).
- If the sensor wire is cut or a short circuit occurs, the unit is turned
off if it is in cooling mode, and the main fault is displayed.
In heating mode, a secondary fault is displayed, the fault LED
flashes, and the machine fault and circuit fault relays change to the
On position.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
Evaporator water outlet sensor (module x): NTC 10 K at 25°C
Monitors the water temperature on the exchanger outlet in order to:
- Adjust the unit (to water return)
- Turn on the frost protection.
- Display the water outlet temperature (display range:
40 to
99.9°C, resolution: 0.1 K)
The frost protection turns on if the sensor wire is cut. If a short
circuit occurs, the unit (module x) is turned off regardless of its
operating mode, the main fault is displayed, and the evaporator
defrost heater is turned on.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
Manifold water outlet sensor (modules 1 and 2): NTC 10 K at
Monitors the outlet water temperature on the two modules in order to:
- Adjust the unit (to water return)
- Display the water outlet temperature (display range:
40 to
99.9°C, resolution: 0.1 K).
If the sensor wire is cut or a short circuit occurs and control is on
the output, each unit runs on its own setpoint.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
Master/slave water outlet sensor: NTC 10 K at 25°C
Monitors the outlet water temperature on the two machines in order
- Adjust the unit (to water return)
- Display the water outlet temperature (display range:
40 to
99.9°C, resolution: 0.1 K).
If the sensor wire is cut or a short circuit occurs and control on the
output, each unit runs on its own setpoint.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically
Outdoor air sensor: NTC 10 K at 25°C
Monitors the temperature of the outdoor air in order to:
- Adjust the system based on the outdoor temperature (cooling,
- If the sensor wire is cut and a short circuit occurs, the unit is
adjusted to the setpoint value (heating and cooling) and a fault is
- Display the outdoor air temperature (display range:
40 to 99.9°C,
resolution: 0.1 K).
If the sensor wire is cut and a short circuit occurs, a secondary fault
is displayed, the fault LED flashes, and the machine fault and circuit
fault relays change to the On position.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
Hydraulic module internal air sensor: NTC 10 K at 25°C
(P24 = Yes)
Monitors the temperature of the air inside the hydraulic module in
order to:
- Turn on or off the hydraulic module's defrost heater.
- Display the temperature of the air inside the hydraulic module
(display range:
40 to 99.9°C, resolution: 0.1 K).
If the sensor wire is cut, the defrost heater turns on, the secondary
fault is displayed, the fault LED flashes, and the machine fault and
circuit fault relays change to the On position.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
Condenser hot water inlet and outlet sensor: NTC 10 K at
25°C (available if P2 = 1)
Monitors the condenser's water outlet (or inlet) temperature in order to:
- Adjust in heating mode.
- Display the condenser's water temperature (display range:
40 to
99.9°C, resolution: 0.1 K).
If the sensor wire is cut or a short circuit occurs, the unit is turned
off if it is in heating mode, and the main fault is displayed.
In cooling mode, a secondary fault is displayed, the fault LED
flashes, and the machine fault and circuit fault relays change to the
On position.
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
Compressor discharge sensor: NTC 50 K at 25°C
Monitors the compressor discharge temperature in order to:
- Check that the compressor discharge temperature is not too high
If the sensor wire is cut (checked after 5 minutes of operation), the
board discharge protection cuts in. If a short-circuit occurs
(monitored continuously), the stage(s) are turned off and the circuit
main fault is displayed.
- This fault must be acknowledged manually.
- Display the discharge temperature (display range: 0 to 150°C,
resolution 1 K).
Compressor suction sensor: NTC 10 K at 25°C
Monitors the suction temperature in order to:
- Display the superheat temperature (display range:
40 to 99.9°C,
resolution: 0.1 K).
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
If the sensor wire is cut, a secondary fault is displayed, the fault
LED flashes, and the circuit fault relay moves to the On position.
Circuit liquid sensor: NTC 10 K at 25°C
Measures the liquid temperature in order to:
- Display the subcooling temperature (display range:
40 to 99.9°C,
resolution: 0.1 K).
- This fault is acknowledged automatically.
If the sensor wire is cut or the sensor short-circuits, a secondary
fault is displayed, the fault LED flashes, the circuit fault relay is in
the On position, and the fault is automatically acknowledged.
M I N . S U P E R H E A T C X
M A X . S U P E R H E A T C X
+5 V
R = 8.96 KH
50 KH
+5 V
R = 8.96 KH
50 KH