Freeze-dryer Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
6 Operation
Version 11/2018, Rev. 1.9 of 01/12/2021
• sb
77 / 117
Translation of the original operating manuel
Pos : 158 /200 Chris t/361 GT-BA Labor-Pil ot ( PROJ EKTE)/ Alpha/Al pha 1- 4_2-4_3-4 St andard/ Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic/ 060 Betrieb/ 060- 0050-0010-0040 H aupt fenst er ? LSC basic - nur Al pha 3-4 @ 84\mod_1628838345094_68. docx @ 884468 @ 4 @ 1
Main window "?"
This main window includes the most important information concerning your
Freeze-dryer type
Control system type
Serial number
Manufacturer contact
Details concerning the
software version
Fig. 52: Freeze-dryer system information, here for Alpha 2-4 LSCplus
In the event of enquiries at the manufacturer, please state the number that
is stated here.
Pos : 159 /010 Univ ers almodul e/ Leerz eile @ 0\mod_1202116244500_0.docx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 160 /010 Univ ers almodul e/ Leerz eile @ 0\mod_1202116244500_0.docx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 161 /200 Chris t/361 GT-BA Labor-Pil ot ( PROJ EKTE)/ Alpha/Al pha 1- 4_2-4_3-4 St andard/ Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic/ 060 Betrieb/ 060- 0050-0020 Durc hf ührung ei nes G efri ertrock nungs proz ess es - nur Al pha 3- 4 @ 84\m od_1627901966391_68.docx @ 884178 @ 3 @ 1
Starting a freeze-drying process
Freeze-drying processes are started in the main window "Process". The set
values for the individual process phases ("Freezing", "Warm-up", "Main
drying" and "Final drying") are defined prior to the start of the process (see
chapter - "Entering set values"). Then, the freeze-drying process
can be started via the dialogue box "Operating mode: select/start".
If the freeze-drying process is to be started directly with the "Main drying"
phase, the vacuum pump must be warmed up approximately 15 minutes
prior to the process start. Failure to do so will result in a corresponding
warning message when the process starts.
If the value "∞" (infinite) is selected for a process phase, the next phase
must be started manually via the button "Operating mode: select/start".
The set values of the active phase can be changed during the process run.
In this case, the control system adapts the freeze-dryer to the new set
values as quickly as possible.