Freeze-dryer Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
3 Safety
Version 11/2018, Rev. 1.9 of 01/12/2021
• sb
31 / 117
Translation of the original operating manuel
Pos : 64 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0070 Si cherheits hinw eis e z um Betri eb @ 36\m od_1435842611820_68. docx @ 266767 @ 2 @ 1
Safety notes concerning the operation
The following notes and instructions concerning the operation of the freeze-
dryer must be observed in order to protect all persons and property.
Pos : 65 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Leerz eile @ 0\m od_1202116244500_0. doc x @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 66 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0070-0010 Gefahren durch El ektrizit ät @ 36\mod_1435842747343_68. doc x @ 266781 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards caused by electricity
Danger of life caused by electric shock
There is a risk of electric shock when touching current-carrying
This may lead to ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrest, or respiratory
• Only qualified electritians are authorised to perform work on the
electrical system of the freeze-dryer!
• The electrical equipment of the freeze-dryer must be checked at
regular intervals by a qualified electrician!
• Defects such as loose connections or burnt cables must be eliminated
Pos : 67 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Leerz eile @ 0\m od_1202116244500_0. doc x @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 68 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0010 Sic her heit Labor/ 030- 0070-0020 G ef ahr en durc h das Kält esys tem Labor ( nat ürliches, br ennbar es KM) @ 57\m od_1525772590231_68.docx @ 566772 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards caused by the refrigeration system (natural, flammable refrigerants)
Risk of explosion due to refrigerants
The refrigerants used are highly flammable and can form an explosive
mixture if their concentration in the ambient air is sufficiently high.
There is an explosion hazard.
• Work on the refrigeration system of the freeze-dryer must only be
carried out by qualified specialist personnel who have been trained to
handle flammable refrigerants!
• Ensure good ventilation and make sure that no ignition sources (e.g.
soldering iron, welding equipment) are present!
Pos : 69 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Seitenw ec hsel @ 0\m od_1202116244312_0. docx @ 105 @ @ 1