Freeze-dryer Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
3 Safety
30 / 117
Version 11/2018, Rev. 1.9 of 01/12/2021
• sb
Translation of the original operating manuel
Pos : 60 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0060-0030 Gefahren durch uns achg emäß e Aufst ellung @ 36\m od_1436261069141_68. docx @ 267141 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards caused by improper set-up
Risk of injury caused by poor accessibility of the freeze-dryer
In cramped spaces or locations with poor accessibility, sharp edges and
corners may protrude into the work area.
This may lead to injuries caused by impact hazards or grazing hazards.
• Ensure that the freeze-dryer is set up freely accessible!
• Comply with the fundamental health and safety rules and regulations
as well as with the rules and regulations for the prevention of
Pos : 61 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Leerz eile @ 0\m od_1202116244500_0. doc x @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 62 / 200 C hrist/ 360 GT-BA Labor-Pilot (ST ANDARDM ODU LE)/ 030 Sic her heit /030-0010 Sic her heit Labor/ 030- 0060-0040 G ef ahr en durc h uns ac hgem äßen Ansc hluss Labor @ 57 \mod_1525772589357_68. doc x @ 566736 @ 3 @ 1
Hazards caused by improper connection
Risk of injury caused by consequences of improper connection
Improper connection may lead to a hazardous electrical incident at a later
time during the operation of the freeze-dryer.
This may lead to severe damage to health or even life-threatening injuries.
• Ensure that the local mains voltage matches the nominal voltage that
is stated on the name plate.
• Do not place any dangerous material, e.g. glass vessels containing
liquid substances, within the safety area of 30 cm around the freeze-
dryer. Spilled liquids may get into the freeze-dryer and damage the
electrical or mechanical components.
• Work on the power supply system must only be performed by certified
• Have the electrical equipment of the unit inspected regularly.
• Defects such as loose or burnt cables must be eliminated immediately.
Pos : 63 / 010 U nivers almodule/ Seitenw ec hsel @ 0\m od_1202116244312_0. docx @ 105 @ @ 1