Page 13
5.5. 'Calibration' Page
The 'Calibration' page allows access to microDAQ’s existing non DTC calibration coefficients and
provides a means to acquiring live calibration data and calculating new coefficients. The loading
and saving of tests is also possible from this tab.
Calibrations may either be 3 temperature based for a temperature calibration, or by unchecking the
'Temperature Cal.' checkbox, a non temperature calibration may be performed at a single
temperature. Figure 5.9 shows the 'Calibration' tab controls which are further explained in table
The Live values section is an indicator of the currently read pressure and temperature of the
selected View channel. This is just to show if valid values are being read by the unit. They can be
toggled off and on using the check box and Accept button.
Other controls include the ‘Burn Coeffs’ button which writes the current local coefficients to
microDAQ EEPROM. The 'Clear' button sets all local coefficients to zero.
Figure 5.7, Calibration Page