magnifier. The back face is ground flat at the factory or more commonly it is slightly hollow
ground to ensure that an effective microfacet can be formed there as part of the cutting edge.
Because of the lack of standardization, commonly, the manual approach is used to sharpen
these knives, has proven to be difficult, laborious and time consuming. The Chef’sChoice
Model 700 Sharpener is designed to sharpen virtually all traditional, single sided, Asian blades
and to create a factory-quality edge.
Before you start to sharpen a traditional Japanese blade, examine it carefully in order to confirm
that you have the traditional single bevel blade and to determine whether you have a right
or left handed type as described in Figure 10. It is essential that you follow carefully the
sharpening procedure and sequence as described below in order to achieve the optimum edge
on your traditional blade.
Confirm which side of the blade has the large factory Bevel A. Hold the blade in your hand
(as when you are cutting) and if the large factory bevel is on the right side of the blade, the blade
is right handed. For the
right handed
blades sharpen only in the
left slot
of Stage 1 so that
only the beveled side (right side) of the edge will contact the sharpening wheel. Proceed as
described below.
SHarpenIng tradItIonaL JapaneSe KnIVeS In Stage 1 (rIgHt Handed BLadeS)
In this example which assumes your traditional blade is right handed, you must sharpen only
in the left slot of Stage 1
. The number of pulls that you will need to make depends on the
factory angle of Bevel A (Figure 10 and 11) and how dull your blade may be. Make five (5) to ten
(10) pulls (1-2 seconds per inch) in only the left slot of Stage 1 and then check for a burr along
the entire back side of the blade edge. (The burr created in Stage 1 will be small but can be felt
as shown in Figure 9). Make certain the burr is present along the entire length of the edge. If
there is no burr or only a partial burr, continue to make additional pulls all in the left slot about
five (5) at a time and check for a burr after each group of five (5) pulls. In general 10-20 total
pulls in the left slot will be adequate to raise a burr; it is unlikely to take more than 20 left slot
pulls to create the burr. When a burr is confirmed, proceed to Stage 3
Figure 10. Cross-section of a single beveled traditional
Asian blades are thinner and sharpened primarily on
one side.
Figure 11. Cross-section of a typical factory traditional
Asian knife edge, magnified 50x (right-handed).